Monday, 22 October 2012

A poem to think about

Then it Ends


The lives we live with dreams so bold

Our secrets hidden and never told

We love, we hate, we muddle through

In hope that someday it all comes true.


The love we share it rarely ends

If true, then happiness it sends

To all who find the peace they need

It blossoms and grows from very small seed


We take for granted so much in life

The ups and downs, The trouble and strife

We take it and fake it till all is done

Then its over, its finished,

 It's GONE!!

Estevez Deep


Dating for men of a certain age

The Dilemma

Has anyone used a dating site and had a trouble and stress free experience?
Over the past 6yrs I've tried a few of these sites to no avail. I've come to the conclusion that if you're a single male of a certain age (lets say over 45) and you prefer a slightly younger woman (lets say around 30ish), your chances of success are pretty low.

The Minefield

There are a number of reasons for the Dilemma and each one is a mine thats easily tripped.

The first mine is your age. Obviously there are a few ladies out there that do actually prefer an older man, but they are few and far between. most ladies in their 30's just say they do because they want to see if we really do look after them better than the "young studs". An admirable excuse but rarely permanent, because once we gentlemen get to a certain age, we tend not to put up with too much of the girlyness of a 30yr old in the 21st century. Sexy and vivacious yes, 30yr old schoolgirl no.

Mine number 2 are the gold diggers around the world. Hundreds of women in their 20's and 30's from all over the world, saying they want to be your love. Its tedious when you know that all they want is your email address and evenyually your money. And most of them are so obvious, but mind drainingly depressing.

Then you have the biggest minefield, the men posing as women just so they can have a laugh at the misery of some very lonely and sometimes very frustrated people.

The solution

Well there are a few. can you think of any foolproof ones apart from the one I took and just give up? I'd be interested to hear any.